Monday, September 30, 2019

Critically evaluate Samuel Huntington’s claims in “The Clash of Civilizations?” Essay

The abrupt end of the Cold War meant that the bipolar model of thinking which had dominated the sphere of World Politics for decades became obsolete. This new phase led to a renewal in thinking in the study of International Relations dubbed â€Å"the hundred schools of thought† which led to a wide spectrum of visions about the uncertain future of world affairs. One of the more prominent visions was the late Professor Samuel Huntington’s â€Å"Clash of Civilizations? † published in a 1993 Foreign Affairs article, where he predicted a growing pattern of conflict based on differences in cultural, religious and historical identity of entities he labelled civilizations instead of the ideological differences of the Cold War Era. Huntington’s thesis was a Realist response to Fukuyama’s 1992 book, The End of History and the Last Man. Fukuyama argued that the post-1991 world was left with no viable ideological alternative to liberal democracy and the free market economy predicting a new era of global consensus on democracy, justice, human rights and cooperation. ‘The nation will continue to be a central pole of identification, even if more and more nations come to share common economic and political forms of organization. ‘i Huntington’s premise was that ‘The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain as the most powerful actors in world affairs but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. ‘ii The controversial nature of Huntington’s thesis ensured the stern critique by some of his fellow academics for reasons including oversimplification, neglecting contradicting factors and inaccurate predictions. The tragedy of 9/11 and the events that followed revived the confidence in his thesis by his supporters who saw this as the conformation of Huntington’s predictions notably the inconsolable clash between Islam and the West. Huntington begins by describing the historical evolution of the nature of conflicts in the Western World; from the competition between monarchs and emperors for territorial and mercantile expansion leading to the emergence of nation states beginning with the French Revolution, to the rise of ideological conflict after the Bolshevik Revolutioniii. His Eurocentric bias is clear early as he quotes and perpetuates an idea put forward before by William Lind that these were primarily ‘Western Civil Wars’. Labelling World War II, the deadliest military conflict in history which involved the majority of the world’s nations, as such greatly diminishes the involvement and sacrifices made by people across the world. Notably the Soviet Union which was mainly composed of nations Huntington would regard as part of a Slavic-Orthodox civilization sustained the highest amount of casualties totalling at around twenty-seven millioniv. Later in the paragraph, Huntington writes ‘peoples and governments of non-Western civilizations no longer remain the objects of history as targets of Western colonialism but join the West as movers of history’ as if to suggest that events occurring in non-western parts of the world somehow do not constitute as history if they don’t involve or have a felt effect upon Western society. Although the leadership of the West in fields such as science, technology and engineering for the larger part in recent centuries is indisputable; Jewish philosophy, Hindu mathematics, Muslim astronomy and engineering contributed significantly to the foundations of what we know today and this shouldn’t be undermined. The sharing and borrowing of ideas between the different corners of the world through the millennia’s that’s still going on today suggests a long-term cooperation instead of a clash of civilizations in our common pursuit of knowledge. According to Huntington a civilization is ‘ the highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity’v. He divides the world’s population into seven civilizations as well as hinting at the possibility of a Caribbean and an African civilization; Africa being indeed a continent known for its vast diversity of cultures and traditionsvi. He defines a civilization by what he calls objective elements such as language, history and primarily religion as well as by the subjective self-identification of people. Huntington argues the onset of globalization has led to increased levels of interaction between peoples of different civilizations, which in turn intensifies civilization consciousness and brings to the forefront their cultural differences which unlike ideological and political differences are fundamental and much less mutable and hence less easily compromised. It’s clear that people instinctively identify themselves closely to others who share common traditions, customs and history; I hold the belief however that Huntington downplays the penetration of globalization and focuses on one aspect of its possible consequences. It’s not the differences that drive cultural conflict between peoples; it’s the lack of understanding which in turn creates prejudices and fears. The increased interactions between peoples have led to a wider acceptance of and fascination with other cultures, helping us understand why foreign societies live the way they do. Huntington argues: ‘†¦Russians cannot become Estonians and Azeri’s cannot become Armenian’vii. An Estonian living in Russia will absorb aspects of Russian culture depending on one’s willingness, length of stay and the extent to which one feels alienated or accepted by Russian society. Thus the objective elements invoked are not convincingly definitive in determining one’s identity; an Englishman may choose to convert to Islam while a Chinese citizen in Shanghai may choose to learn French as a pastime. Globalization in itself has penetrated the long-standing limitations in global trade of the past; politicians ever increasingly have to consider the global implications of domestic policy. More than ever national states around the world are dependent upon each other; the United States Demands Chinese goods while China needs the US to buy its goods. Huntington ascribes ideas such as constitutionalism, human rights, the rule of law, free markets and democracy as Western; unable to gain a foothold in other civilizations. He writes: ‘Modern democratic government originated in the West. When it has developed in non-western societies it has usually been the product of the western colonialism or imposition’viii. suggesting that somehow peoples of other civilizations may not be able to sustain or see the benefits of a form of democratic governance. The people of India would point out that democratic government was formed in their country despite, not because of the Westix. Today more than two-thirds of the world’s governments operate in some form of democracy, which reaffirms the idea that democracy is a universal value, contradicting Huntington’s view of its general Western exclusivity. If asked, most Middle-Easterners would prefer the idea of a democratic to authoritarian governancex; the limitation of democratic development in the region however is a product of the unstable and incompatible political landscape rather than the irreconcilability of the culture. Defining the religious aspects of the Western Civilization, Huntington justifies the grouping of Protestant and Catholic Christians into a single entity by emphasizing shared experiences in European history such as the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution which in turn separates them from the Orthodox Christians beyond Central Europexi. Although it is evident that the closer proximity of those events has influenced Protestants and Catholics more than their Orthodox counterparts, the closer resemblance of Catholic and Orthodox practices and beliefs as opposed to Protestants is however neglected. Huntington consistently appeals to religion as the primary source of cultural identity, rightly so, to a Christian the creeds of their religion have a profound influence on their world view and thus how they would identify themselves. When speaking of the Islamic civilization however, Huntington doesn’t seem to make the effort to differentiate between the major denominations of Shia, Sunni and Sufism which have so strongly influenced the historical and especially current political landscape of the Middle-East. In a passionate attempt to warn his fellow Americans of the potential threats that their country may face in the post-Cold War environment, Huntington essentially perpetuated ideas that were dangerous and self-fulfilling. The existence of a Confucian-Islamic connection that may threaten the West described by Huntingtonxii is yet to be empirically verified, as the Chinese and US economies remain inter-linked and Barrack Obama moves towards a policy of dialogue in the Middle-East. Given the history of US foreign policy, legislators would have found Huntington’s paradigm easy to understand and convenient in terms of implementation. A worldview of distrust towards foreign powers that demands the maintaining of military superiority in the name of security panders to the powerful military industrial complex in the US. In order to maintain peace, global stability and have any hopes of dealing with transnational issues such as global warming, policy makers should regard all nations as members of the world community and work closer with international organizations such as the UN and WTO in establishing universal laws. The alienation and coercion of other governments will indeed create an atmosphere of antagonism and hostility.

Social Media and Network Technology

Colleges will need to embrace these new communities in order to keep up with recruitment of the younger generations, student to student interaction, student to professor interaction. Backbone and Linked are some of the internet communities that we will need to embrace to encourage our recruitment and student interaction. Backbone has been around since 2004 and is still growing in popularity. Backbone gives you the availability to send an instant message, an email, post discussions, provide media, and provide detail information.Colleges that have a Backbone page and interact with Backbone has the ability to recruit sophomores and Juniors in high schools not only in the surrounding areas but relied. This ability provides an advantage to have a more diverse student body. For young college students Backbone is a mean they utilize to communicate with other students about the activities going on in the campus. They also use this communication tool to converse about class assignments, organ ization functions, sports, and daily activities.Students who do not live on campus, Backbone allows them to still experience college life and the inclusion of student activities. College professors can also utilize this communication tool to correspond and interact with al students, including students who participate at satellite campuses. The surrounding community will also have the availability to interact with the students because they will be able to show the students the history of the area, and support the college with financial scholarships and the sports arenas.Most of the surrounding community makes up the professors, educators, the educator families and friends. Professors will have the accessibility to be active not only with the students but with the students families as well. As a parent of a college student, I enjoy being able to see what the students are doing, what classes are troublesome, the activities the students are participating in, and when parents can interac t with the student at school.The disadvantages of Backbone include accessibility, lack of personable interaction, lack of social interaction, non-clarifying answers, misunderstandings of context of messages and pictures, invasion of privacy, and possible compromise of security information. Yet, these disadvantages can be kept down to a minimum by the college handbook and the student conduct codes by the dents themselves. Most college's network security will keep secure information safe from any breaches or hacking. Linked will be very beneficial for our graduating students, faculty and local business.This social network will allow for the local and national business to see the types of students we are producing in the workforce. Linked will allow the students to make contacts with others in the corporate field of their choice and possibly encourage the company to reach an agreement with the college on training of their current staff. Our faculty will be able o utilize this social ne twork by seeing what the other colleges are teaching and producing in the coming work force and learn what skills the companies are looking for, and provide those skills to our students.The only down side to Linked will be headhunters from other colleges recruiting our faculty to come and work for them. But we can counter offer our faculty, pay retainer fees, and sign binding contracts with the faculty to keep them from leaving our facility. We will be using the waterfall model for the implementation of a Backbone page and Linked page. The system velveteen life cycle for this process we will need to make sure that all students will have access to the college Wi-If on campus, which we currently have in place all over the campus.Our second phase will include making sure that students and faculty will have accessibility to a computer, which currently we already have in place in the library and common areas. Our third phase of the process will require the college to set up a Backbone an d Linked account and have our IT department to maintain the accounts. Fourth phase of the process will require the college to get the rod out to the students about both pages on the internet and require all of our faculty to friend us on each site.The final phase will be having our IT department to hire someone to maintain both pages for content on the page, the context of the messages on the page and be a monitor for any violation of student conduct codes. The only disadvantage for using these websites, we will not be able to modify the systems. The advantages outweigh the disadvantage immensely because startup cost will be at a bare minimum, and we will still be able to get an idea of how many of our dents are using to communicate with one another by the amount of friend request we receive and the amount of conversation context on the page.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fast Food Nation Essay

One thing that most people don’t seem to understand about fast food restaurants is the harmful and unethical practice that comes with an order of a double cheeseburger with a side order of medium fries and a drink. Eric Schlosser, the author of â€Å"Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal,† had made several negative interpretation about the functionality of fast food corporation. Such interpretation can be in relations of what a typical Marxist would complain about, such as the fact that fast food corporation tends to do whatever means possible to reach the end of making a substantial amount of profit. In â€Å"Fast Food Nations: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal,† Schlosser targeted on the unethical practices of producing profit which includes the fabrication of sediment phrases, the systematic of mass production, and the management of poor quality with emphasis of large quantity. Some of the claims that Schlosser made can be viewed similarly to the aspects of Karl Marx and his believers, the Marxists. Many Marxists can strongly support Schlosser’s claim with a Marxist interpretation of an accusation of Capitalism. Marxist is known as a group of socialist and they believes that the government’s economy should be equally shared amongst all working classes. Without a doubt, Schlosser had exposed the fact that corporations like McDonalds, Carl’s Jr, Burger King, and so forth had made great profits from exploiting the nation’s vulnerable workers who are willing to work at any cost. These vulnerable workers can be just about anyone from teenagers to first generation immigrants. All in all, Schlosser had made a strong argument to persuade the nation from supporting profit-hungry Corporation by revealing of its unethical practices that may be a convincing factor for the nation to think twice before entering another fast food restaurant. One of the many reasons why fast food restaurants are successful is because they know how to market themselves properly with small sentimental message that appeals to the community. Sentimental message might not mean much, but when families of the community are convinced that the restaurant cares about them, they will be inclined to support their business. It’s a shame that the community does not see the irony in their sentimental messages. Example of the irony would be Mcdonalds creating the Ronald McDonald House of Charity to ask customers for additional donations, in which all proceeds of that donation will help other counties hospital. The irony of this all is that fast food is also the reason why kids are unhealthy. It is also common knowledge that fast food is the leading cause of obesity and obesity can lead to various amount of health-related problem. Another reason why fast food restaurants are successful is because fast food industries target a younger audience such as children. Their techniques on children are simple, because children love collecting toys and items that relates to cartoon figures that they are familiar with. Therefore, these corporations would purchase patents and the rights to use their cartoon figure or icon on their product, which typically sells efficiently with kids. These items are not just popular amongst the children’s age group, but â€Å"many adult collectors have also bought Teenie Beanie Baby Happy Meals, kept the dolls, and threw away the food† (Schlosser 48). These cross promotions between brands has done two things; strengthens ties between fast food industries and companies and also create an irresistible addiction between collectors and the industries. Another marketing strategy that these fast food industries utilize is to slightly modify the collectible’s colors or parts to attract customers to spend a fortunate collecting a whole set of the same kind of toys. The surface of the fast food industries may be deceiving to the general public, but it certainly is not easily deceitful to the workers who dealt with jobs within a fast food industry. While the economy continues to look like steep slide, workers are becoming more willing to work at any jobs in order to financially support their family and themselves. These very same workers that work for fast food industries, are typically teenagers or first generation immigrants because fast food industries knows that these two candidates are perfect for exploitation. Also, because they are less likely to form unions, complain about conditions, and complain about long hours. Fast food industries, like most Marxist-invaded counties, know how to exploit their workers at their fullest potential. They hire the uneducated youth with the least potential to start a union. They view workers as cheap objects that they can be hired and fired at the will of their employers. Unlike a business firm, these fast food industries rarely give raises to their employees, but instead they ould motivate their workers with encouragements or compliments. Since these workers are uneducated and don’t know their rights enough to argue, they would simply respond to their employer’s encouragement or compliment with better performances. Aside from the wages, these jobs are more than often dangerous. It is not certain whether these companies have spent enough money to properly train workers to diligently use the restaurants equipment which would prevent health inc idents and work injuries. Reasons being that these companies are profit-focused. They will try to minimize their spending as much as possible to make sure that they maximize the profit. Some of these jobs are even done by illegal immigrants or anyone desperate enough for a job at a later night shift, because it’s extremely dangerous and companies do not want to risk going into law suits or paying for higher life insurances for their workers with all means to maximize their profit. Schlosser had mentioned a story about Kenny Dobbin, as an example of a worker who was a victim of such unethical offense. Kenny was an uneducated man with no literacy skills, but was tall and strong. He was hired by Monfort, a meat-packing plant company, whom took advantage of Kenny’s kindness and abused him by placing him in dangerous working condition. After sixteen years of pure dedication, Kenny was fired because of his severe injuries from work, because the company does not want to pay for a higher insurance coverage for him. Kenny was â€Å"once strong and powerfully built, he now walks with difficulty, tires easily, and feels useless as though his life were over. He is forty-six years old† (Schlosser 190). Kenny, however, is still considered to be one of the fortunate one because he is able to get his story out unlike many other victims who weren’t able to get their stories out because they are still working with the injuries that they have attained from work. Some of the reasons that explain why they don’t complain about their injuries are because they don’t want to be fired and stress the difficulties of finding another job. These are just some of the examples of the inhumanely acts that fast food industries had commit to their workers. Workers might understand the cruelty that lies within their job, but they might not know what kind of quality the management has selected for the product that they are working with. Aside from managing workers and their wages, fast food industries also manages their food supplies to ensure the greatest amount of profit. By doing so, managements of fast food industries would choose the cheapest quality of meat that’s barely edible, refrozen fries that have been made with preservatives, and also wheat from a wheat field that have been sprayed with pesticides on a regular basis. Many fast food critics, including Schlosser, argued that fast food industries are more concern about the superficial image and the smell of the product rather than the natural healthy content of the product. Schlosser had mentioned that the â€Å"Food and Drug Administration does not require flavor companies to disclose the ingredients of their addictive, so long as all the chemicals are considered by the agency to be generally regarded as safe,† which means that the government had betrayed the consumers and had gave fast food industries the additional power to make substantial amount of profit. Most fast food restaurant took advantage of the governments’ lack of responsibility and would spend as little as possible on meat. This course of action might be good for business, but it is absolutely terrible for the consumers who invest their health in these fast food products. In the early years of fast food industries, many fast food restaurants have been criticized for their contaminated burgers because of the hospitalized and illness trend that consumers are recognizing prior to eating their burgers. The fast food industries did not know how to react to such immense pressure, so they attempt to shift the blame to the farmers. Eventually the government realized the decline of fast food industries and initiated the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to run a federal inspection test for all the meat packaging industries of the fast food industries. This might have been a good sign of improvement for the government, until the government decided to be secretive about their findings and had agreed with fast food industries to not reveal the details about the company’s distributed meat. Today, Fast food industries is still one of the largest marketing industries across nation, but let’s not forget about the labor policies, marketing strategies, and agricultural techniques that comes within their products. Schlosser had made enough strong argument about the business tactics that are responsible for the success of fast food industries. Such tactics that targets children and families with collectibles and sentimental values, hiring workers that are more willing to work with minimum wages, and also managing a horrible quality of food supplies. These factors might be great for the industries because they prospering a substantial amount of profit, but it are unhealthy for the consumers across the nation. Hopefully in the near future, United State’s Department of Agriculture would interfere with regulations that would prevent fast food industries from exploiting the community of its self-motivated individuals. Schlosser also believed that the government should create a federal agency that promotes â€Å"more safety laws that could also reduce the number of slaughterhouse workers who get hurt† (Schlosser 264). With the worker’s safety conditions controlled, it would also be the nation’s best interest to end obesity, by controlling the establishment of fast food restaurants allowed per community and to open up healthier restaurants. Now on a more practical basis, students and the community should raise awareness of the unethical practices of fast food industries, and promote healthier eating habits within their community. With this practical practice, fast food industries will be prone to being eliminated, and the community will live a longer and healthier life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management Project - Research Paper Example There are mainly two reasons for selecting this research paper. The impact of motivation on employees and organizational performance are analyzed in this research paper. Various comprehensive approaches are highlighted here. Another reason for selecting this research paper is to examine the relation between firm’s performance and motivation of the employees. Intensive research has been done here for evaluating the topic of the paper. This information gathered from this research paper shows the contribution of motivational on the productivity of the company (U.S, 2013). This research paper is divided into five parts. In the 1st part the topic of the research paper is introduced and along with that the reasons for conducting the report is mentioned. In the second part views of various authors are highlighted. Methodology of the paper has been reviewed here. The importance of the research method has been addressed in the paper (Daniels, 2006). The purposes of this report have been clearly highlighted in this research paper. Various causes for employee motivation have been focused properly in this research paper. The researchers have used some theories by which they supported the purpose of the researcher paper (Blyton and Turnbull, 2004). Employee motivation has a strong relationship with organizational performance. As per the purposes of research paper the detailed analysis of the topic has been done. The organization considers its employees as its important part. Therefore with the help of this study the researchers efficiently focus on the relationship of organizational members within the company (Harzing and Pinnington, 2011). The research questions which were used by the researchers are very clearly explained in this paper. The questions highlight the impact of employee motivation on organizational performance. The main purpose of the research question is clearly stated in the paper. For making the research question proper and clear the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Nationalism - Essay Example One of the significant roles it played in this era was leading of unity between nations. As a result, people were able to talk with one voice and establish a nation based on their ideas, values, languages, and customs. For example, in this period, Italy was controlled by various nations. Nationalist beliefs led to upset of Italians due to control by various foreign rulers. Hence, there was formation of nationalist group such as Young Italy. The group and others organized revolt in various parts of country under different rulers. The foreign rulers were toppled and driven out of the country. As a result, Italians were able to be united. Moreover, the idea of nationalism in this period led to establishment of independent states. Nationalism led to resentment against foreign rule. At this period, there was dynastic authority in various parts of Europe. The call for nationalism led to war such as eight-year war against Ottoman rule. The consequence of the war was independence of various states such as Greek. On the other hand, nationalist ideas led to rise of revolutions. Most of the revolutions in this era called for political changes especially with hardship experienced by people. One of such war was the Franco-Prussian war that lasted for half a year. The war led to defeat of France and the formation of German

Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 31

Homework - Essay Example Everybody should be very keen with the code of ethics that the respective field of work demands to maintain confidence and respect with the target clients. For instance, photojournalism has been a field of discussion because of bleach of ethics as the field has very many clients. The photos that they present on the media have drawn a wide range of comments with most people condemning the act. The field has damaged its reputation for the awkward photos on the media that do not respect the feelings of the viewers and the readers. It is high time that the state governments should put strategies that will help restructure photojournalism to ensure that the journalists observe ethics in the fields. In conclusion, photojournalism has been a topic of discussion for all wrong reasons because of failure by the field experts to observe ethics in their work. Therefore, to curb this uncouth behavior by the photojournalists the authorities should take strict measures to rebuild the lost reputation in this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sport Economic Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sport Economic Analysis Paper - Essay Example The Phoenix Suns is a team that has recently not been doing well. They have shown a turnaround this summer in the Summer League, but that is not a sure prediction of a turnaround during the regular season. With a new head coach and general manager both in their first year in those positions, the future of this year for the organization is predicted to be a team building year. The spending on salaries for team members is one of the ways in which a team can be predicted for success. The following analysis will look at the nature of team salaries and how they are predictive of success in relationship to the current position of the Phoenix Suns. Background: A New Head Coach and General Manager The Phoenix Suns have found a new coach in order to support their success, but they did not look too far from their own history. Jeff Hornacek was a second round draft pick for the Phoenix Suns in 1986, but now at the age of 50 has been hired as a first time head coach. The Suns are currently in tr ouble as they have not been showing much in the way of talent on the playing floor. The Suns have not been in this much trouble since well before most of the players were born, having really bad seasons in 1994 and even further back, making this during the time when Hornacek was playing. When Hornacek was in his third season as a combo guard, the team averaged about 36 wins in five seasons previous. However, Cotton Fitzsimmons, a veteran coach at the time, took over and flipped the franchise overnight so that he managed to gain 55 wins in his first season as coach. As a part of that history, Hornacek is one of the more popular players in the history of the organization. There is an expectation that Hornacek will pull a similar miracle to the one performed by Fitzsimmons in his freshman year as coach. Caplan (2013) writes that â€Å"The Suns haven't finished above .500 since 2010, when they went to the Western Conference finals. They bottomed out last season -- the first of the post -Steve Nash era -- at 25-57†. Ryan McDonough, age 33, is the first year general manager of the team. The team of Hornacek and McDonough form an unseasoned pair to lead the team towards better outcomes, but there have been some signs that there is already improvement. The Suns came close to winning the Summer League Championship. McDonough was instrumental in bringing in Eric Bledsoe and Carin Butler who both provide the potential for upping the quality of the play for the team. McDonough spoke out about how he views his position for this first year. He told Caplan (2013) that â€Å""The expectations are, for me, just to establish a culture of work, to get better every day†¦I'm not going to measure our success this year in terms of wins and losses, just in terms of: Are we making progress? Are the guys buying in? Are they playing hard and playing the right way? That's what I'm looking for." In rebuilding this team the idea is to be steady and strong, building what they ne ed and looking for the advantages and weaknesses so that they can work with them to build real teamwork. An example of an obstacle for Hornacek is Kendall Marshall who is described by Caplan (2013) as â€Å"the slow-footed point guard who was routinely outplayed in Vegas by the lanky and athletic Goodwin†. Wu (2013) writes that Marshall is consistently attached to any trades that the team considers as they want to move

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

SQL Training Course Experience Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SQL Training Course Experience - Research Paper Example However, the primary difference between all these SQL training alternatives is the quality of education and price tag (SQLCourse, 2011). Recently I got experience of attending tutorial of SQL Course named â€Å"Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners†. I got an amazing experience of learning through this course. I got a lot of knowledge and experience through this course. The feature of any course is the ease and quality of knowledge that course can offer. In this scenario SQL Course has offered all aspects of ease and learning to me. This SQL Course has offered the way to learn SQL language through simple interpretation of knowledge areas. This course has also offered a deep and detailed knowledge and explanation of terms. For me it was really amazing experience to attend such course in my life. In addition, every SQL training course option has its own advantages and issues. For instance, the trainer led courses have the benefit of real time communication with the teach er and hands-on SQL training. Alternatively they are extremely costly and not everyone will be willing to spend thousands of dollars in learning structured query language. Additionally, if someone can improve their business to pay for similar SQL course, do not miss the chance. However, the course we have attended was extremely easy and less costly. This has offered us an opportunity to learn how to manage a database in a better way. This course has also helped us improve our previous concepts, knowledge and skills (SQLCourse, 2011). Moreover, this exclusive preliminary SQL tutorial not simply offered us easy-to-understand SQL statements and instructions; however it allowed us to complete practical assignments of what we learned from SQL interpreter. We have received instant outcomes following submitting our SQL commands. This course has taught us how to create tables and apply the commands of insert, select, delete, update and drop into the tables. This SQL course at present suppor ts a division of ANSI SQL. The fundamentals of every SQL command will be enclosed in this course. In this way we have gained a deep and comprehensive overview of all the knowledge areas and expertise. This course has made us believe that we can be able to get a great deal of SQL expertise in small time period. I hope in future this course will improve and enhance our professional skill and capabilities for the potential improvements of our business and personal life. I say good lock to all my fellows in this course and have a nice and blessing future (SQLCourse, 2011). References SQLCourse. (2011). Welcome to! Retrieved September 10, 2011, from Paper 2 Because of growing globalization, companies are managing worldwide supply chains through information technology. Information technologies (especially internet) have initiated new marketplace prospects. Additionally, the needs for improved efficiency and growing costs force from worldwi de competition have initiated just-in-time production and assembly. In addition, the business areas of trucking industry, that move over three quarters of the nation’s freight, has had to become accustomed to accomplish the demands to travel freight consistently, on time and with superior visibility. In this scenario, the information techn

Monday, September 23, 2019

Workplace Violence. Demonstrations of temper that impact work Research Paper

Workplace Violence. Demonstrations of temper that impact work performance and general well-being within the hospital workplace - Research Paper Example Other members of the surgical team, primarily the scrub tech, was observably upset by the actions and lack of restraint shown by Dr. X in regard to his emotional state. Upon approaching the Director in regard to this behavior, it was revealed that this form of violence was common for Dr. X and the hospital has been allowing the behavior to continue without intervention. The Director made the comment â€Å"Oh, that is common behavior for Dr. X. We just ignore it and Dr. X will forget all about it by tomorrow†, which indicates that the issue is centered on how Dr. X feels about the event rather than on how the rest of the staff is affected by his actions. Purpose The purpose of this report is to explore the ways in which this type of incident can be avoided in the future, both in direct relation to Dr. X and in relation to the behaviors and reactions of the entire staff. Guidelines about what is and what is not permitted where behavior and emotions are concerned will help to out line how this type of incident can be avoided in the future.... The staff is affected by the impact of that unpredictability and has no stable ground on which to determine the appropriate procedures from which to continue working. As well, the intended target of the anger is left emotionally affected, thus their work can be undermined. The care of the patient is then compromised due to the shift in focus from the medical situation to self-protection in an environment that has become hostile. This puts the patient in harms way as their care is compromised and the outcome of their care is put into jeopardy. Additionally, the event of a medical instrument being thrown across a room has the potential of creating damage or injury, thus creating the potential for legal liability. The potential costs of a hostile work environment are relevant on many levels. The first potential cost can be financially crippling as litigation from an employee who has experienced an inappropriate event or series of events can sue the hospital for having had no prevention, response, or intercession between the employee and the doctor who has behaved in this manner. A hostile workplace can be defined as â€Å"Conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment† (Colaprete, 2007, p. 182). From the result of Harris v. Forklift Systems Inc, the decision that was made by the Supreme Court extended responsibility for actions that do not necessarily create psychological injury, but also to those events that are â€Å"severe or pervasive (enough) to alter the conditions of the victims employment and create an abusive work environment† (Colaprete, 2007, p. 182). It would be reasonable to assess the event in question as having the potential for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Death of a Salesman Willy Lomans Mental Breakdwon Essay Example for Free

Death of a Salesman Willy Lomans Mental Breakdwon Essay In Death of a Salesman Willy Loman was a man made of false dreams. Willy Loman was a man who destroyed himself with his false hopes and dreams. Throughout his whole life he was trying to become a Salesman like his father and he thought he would die a rich and successful man. Willy Loman was a man who tried so hard to achieve the American dream but failed to do so due to the multiple circumstances throughout his life. Environment around Willy Loman has had a huge affect on him which is causing him to be instable. Willy is not only destroyed by his own ideals but destroyed by his own two children Biff and Happy and Howard firing him also broke him down even more. Willy Loman is destroying himself trying to achieve the American Dream and trying to become a salesman like his own father but is failing to do so. He wants to own his own business. Willy also wants to be â€Å"bigger† then Uncle Charlie and that is why he never takes a job under Uncle Charlie even after getting fired. He wishes to die the â€Å"Death of a Salesmman† where many people to mourn for him and remember him as a great salesman. Willy has spent his whole life trying to achieve all these dreams of his but he still hasn’t really achieved any of them which is causing him to have a mental breakdown. However Willy aims in life have been useless as he hasn’t really achieved anything. Willy Loman is constantly lying to himself and his family to escape from being a failure. He is constantly trying to achieve his dream of becoming a great salesman but is lost in reality and is running out of time. In the play Charlie said to Willy â€Å"When are you going to grow up. † Even though Charlie was made fun of by Willy he still is his only friend and cares for him and even offers him a job after Willy gets fired by Howard but Willy refuses to take the job because of his high standards and his dreams which he hasn’t be able to accomplish yet. Willy knows he hasn’t accomplished anything yet and that is why he is guilty and starts lying to himself and to his family and even goes on and has an affair with another woman. He has the affair with the other woman to give himself a â€Å"boost† or to go into another world because he feels he has been a failure at not achieving the â€Å"American Dream. † Having an affair also caused Willy to breakdown because Biff caught him cheating and Willy feels guilty about it. Willy put in his whole life for his sons, Biff and Happy and they turned their backs on him. Willy always loved Biff and thought he would be an amazing business man but after Biff saw Willy cheating it tore Biff apart. Biff failed math and went to Boston to get his dad to talk to his math teacher but at that time he caught his father cheating which made him not get along with his dad for the rest of his life. Willy knows deep down it his fault that Biff never became a successful business man. The fact that he feels guilty is also a huge factor in his mental breakdown. The psychoanalytic theory describes how the environment around a person has an effect on the person. In Willy’s case it his sons and his failiures in life which is causing him to be unstable. From the multiple causes of Willy’s mental breakdown the biggest thing that broke him down was when Biff at the end of Act II shows him the rubber tube he found and explains to him that he was never what Willy wanted him to be. After all that Willy realizes his sons actually do love him even though they aren’t successful businessman. When will realizes he is almost finished is when Biff says â€Å"Pop, I’m nothing! Im nothing Pop. Cant you understand that? There’s no spite in it anymore. Im just what I am, that’s all. † Biff also says â€Å"Will you let me go for Christ’s sake† Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? After this situation Willy realizes he has not accomplished much in life and his life is almost finished but Biff does love him. Willy has been chasing the American dream for ever trying to follow his father but has never succeeded which has caused him to fail throughout his whole life because he never really did what he was good at which was using his hands. After Willy committed suicide biff tells us what Willy could have been which could have made him successful. Biff says â€Å"Charley, there’s more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made. † This shows that Willy was never a salesman but was good with his hands. The played concluded with Willy committing suicide so his sons could collect the insurance money and because he had realized he was a failure in life but still wanted his children to be happy and successful. The multiple complications lead to the destruction of an American Dream. Willy wanted a dream that seemed materialistic and unimportant which caused his own life and destruction of his kids. Willy trying to chase the American dream and trying to be better then Charley and trying to be like his dad caused him to be a failure and eventually take his own life. Him not being able to achieve his dreams throughout his life caused him to be a failure and destroying his kids as well.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Manager Performance

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Manager Performance The impact of emotional intelligence on managers’ performance: Evidence from hospitals located in Tehran ABSTRACT Context: Most of the studies show that emotional intelligence (EI) is an important factor for effective leadership and team performance in organizations. Aims: This research paper aims to provide an exploratory analysis of EI in the hospitals managers located in Tehran, and examine its relation to their performance. Settings and Design: The present research was an analytical and cross-sectional study. Setting of the study was hospitals located in Tehran, Iran. Subjects and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study from a matched sample of 120 managers and 360 subordinates in hospitals located in Tehran. Cyberia shrink EI measure was used for assessing the EI of the participants. Moreover, a management performance Questionnaire is specifically developed for the present study. The total of 480 questionnaires analyzed throughout Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests in SPSS. Results: The findings suggested a poor EI among hospital managers. As for EI subscales, social skills and self-motivation were in the highest and lowest levels respectively. Moreover, the results indicated that EI increases with experience. The results also showed there is no significant relationship between the components of EI and the performance of hospital managers. Conclusions: Present research indicated that higher levels of EI did not necessarily lead to better performance in hospital managers. Key words: Emotional intelligence, hospital managers, performance INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, appraise, and handle one’s emotions.[1] Goleman and Sutherland[2] define EI as the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; to control impulses and delay gratification; to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from swapping the ability to think; to emphasize and to hope. As such Bar On,[3] defines EI as being concerned with understanding oneself and others, in relation with people and coping with the immediate surroundings in order to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Weisinger[4] sees EI as the intelligent use of feelings or making one’s emotions work to one’s advantage by using them to help guide behavior and thinking in beneficial ways. In this study, EI were defined as set of skills that contribute to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and in others, the impressive regulation of emotion, and the utilization of feelings to plan, persuade, and achieve in life.[5] Many studies have been conducted about EI that addressed both its concept and its measurement.[6] Some researchers believe in an ability model of EI,[5] while others claim that EI consists of both cognitive ability and personality aspects.[2,3] The ability model perceives EI as a form of pure intelligence, that is, EI is a cognitive ability. Salovey and Mayer’s model of EI is measured using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI test, a performance measure which requires the participant to complete tasks associated with EI.[7] In contrast, the mix models of EI either emphasize how cognitive and personality factors influence general well-being[3] or focus on how cognitive and personality factors determine workplace success.[2] Bar On’s model is measured by using the emotion quotient inventory and Goleman’s model is measured by using the emotional competency inventory, the EI appraisal,[8] and the Work Profile Questionnaire.[9] Put it in perspective, research has shown that EI is an important factor in the workplace.[10-14] Researchers argue that EI is a critically important competency for effective leadership and team performance in organizations.[14-16] Some theorists claim that EI of managers can affect work output,[10,11] although evidence for this is not sufficient more.[17,18] EI has been reported to be positively associated with job satisfaction.[14] EI employees will be more capable of controlling their perception of the environment in which they work.[14] Leaders who are high on EI will be better able to take advantage of and use their positive moods and emotions to envision major improvements in their organizations’ functioning. They are also likely to have knowledge about the fact that their positive moods may cause them to be overly optimistic. Moreover, job performance is the aggregated value to the organization of the behavioral episodes performed by individuals over time that have posi tive or negative consequences for the organization.[19] Managers high on EI can foster their employees’ creativity through interaction with them and via the creation of a work climate supportive of creativity.[20,21] In addition, managers high on EI can create positive interactions between employees that leads to better cooperation,[22] coordination[23] and organizational behavior.[8,14] Furthermore managers high on EI help their employees in creating a good working climate and also reliable relationship with the customers.[24] Given the discussion above, EI plays a significant role in the manager-employee relationship and their performance. Though, the effects of EI on managers’ performance have not been assessed more in healthcare context. Considering the differences of the hospital environment in compare with other organizations, this study provides good evidence, with assessing the effect of EI on managers’ performance in hospitals environment for decision makers in health sector. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The present research was an analytical and cross-sectional study which were done in hospitals affiliated to three medical universities in Tehran (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Shahid Behshti University of Medical Sciences). For selecting the samples in this study, only managers who had a minimum of three subordinates were included. Finally 120 top, middle, and lower level managers of the hospitals were selected. Moreover, 360 individuals participated in this study to appraise performance of the managers; in that each three individuals evaluated the performance of their direct manager. Overall, 480 questionnaires were completed by the participants and data were analyzed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), version 16. This study was approved by Iran University of Medical Sciences Ethics Committee. Participants in this study were informed that participating in this study is voluntary; which means if they don’t like to answer some questions they are free not to answer them and their biography will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed. Furthermore participants provided informed consent for publication of this work. In this study, we followed Goleman’s model and examines five aspects of EI: self-awareness (the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions, and their influence on postpone judgment and to think before acting), self-motivation (a passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status), social awareness (the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people), and social skills (the ability to manage relationships and build networks, and to find common ground and build rapport).[2] For this, Cyberia shrink EI questionnaire was used for assessing the EI of the participants. This questionnaire measures five subscales, namely self-awareness (seven items), self-regulation (four items), self-motivation (four items), empathy or social awareness (five items), and social skills (five items). [2] Moreover a management performance (MP) Questionnaire was specifically developed for the present study, which measures four major subscales: planning (8 items), organization (12 items), leadership (18 items), and control (12 items). Reliability and validity tests were conducted on Farsi version of the EI questionnaire and MP questionnaire with multivariate measure. To assess the acceptance of the questionnaires, 10 people involved at least 10 years in the field of academic managerial practice were invited to participate I order to revising parts of the questionnaires. At the end, all participants expressed high agreement to the appropriateness of the questionnaires. The questionnaires finalized after modifying some questions accordingly. Furthermore Cronbach’s alpha measured for the tools. The results showed that Cronbach’s alpha of Farsi version of EI questionnaire for all dimensions was as 0.89, and for MP questionnaire was as 0.88, which indicates strong reliability for our survey instruments. RESULTS Data showed 92 (76.6%) of samples were male and 28 (23.4%) were female. Participants’ age ranged from 23 to 57 (the majority of the managers belonged to the 40–50 years group) and the average age was 43.45 (standard deviation [SD] = 7.51). 45% of the managers had been >10 years of experience (mean = 14.24, SD = 7.14). The results show performance of male managers in public hospitals (mean 36 Â ± 13) was better that those in private hospitals (mean 35 Â ± 23). On the other hand, the performance of female managers in private hospitals (mean 38 Â ± 16) was significantly better that those in public hospitals (mean 36 Â ± 17). Emotional intelligence subscales scores of managers show that social skills have the highest rank and self-motivation has the lowest rank. In general, the EI score of hospital managers in this study was 56% [Table 1]. Moreover, there is no significant difference between the EI of men and women. Based on the result of this research, hospital managers in higher levels have a higher level of EI. Tough in some subscales of EI such as social awareness and social skills, middle managers have the highest score [Table 2]. The results of this study also showed, there is no significant relationship between education and the level of EI. However, this relationship is significant in social awareness. Moreover, the EI of the managers increased with experience, but this did not apply to all subscales of EI; as such in social awareness. Based on the results, a correlation was observed between the EI of hospital managers and their performance, although this correlation was not significant in any subscale of EI [Table 3]. DISCUSSION This study tried to assess the level EI of managers in hospitals located in Tehran and examine the relationship between the EI of hospital managers and the level of their performances. The result of this research shows there is a relation between EI of managers and their performances. However this relationship is not statistically significant. Most researches has shown that EI is positively associated with interview outcomes,[25] management analytical,[26] issues,[27] team working,[28] conceptual tasks[27] and (behavioral, job and employees) performance.[29-31] Studies have also depicted that emotional perception facilitates performance. Day and Carroll[17] showed that emotional perception was correlated with performance on a cognitive decision-making task. Newcombe and Ashkanasy[32] also showed evocation of positive expressed emotion through facial display has a significant and strong impact on follower and affect, the quality of the perceived leader-member relationship, which in turn with the result of present study. Langhorn[33] determined key areas of profit performance were correlated with the EI pattern of the general manager. Lyons and Schneider[34] examined the relationship of ability-based EI facets with performance under stress. They found that certain dimensions of EI were related to more challenge and enhanced performance. Hayashi and Ewert[35] reported a positive relationship between EI and successful leadership. Furthermore, Eicher[36] describe EI as a suitable basis in developing the staff’s executive programs. Offermann et al.[37] determined although both cognitive ability and emotional competence (intelligence) predict performance, cognitive ability accounts for more variance on individual tasks, whereas emotional competence accounts for more variance in team performance and attitudes. As such our study shows, performance of managers is multi-dimensional variable which can be affected by other factors like organizational factors, level of employees’ motivation than EI. Moreover the results of this study shows, there are no significant differences between EI of men and women. Although in those subscales associated with the social behavior (social awareness and social skills) women had higher scores than men. Generally, women are more aware of emotions, show more empathy, and have higher interpersonal communication skills.[3] As were discussed, in many of the previous studies, EI has been reported to be positively associated with performance. However, the results of the present research indicated that there is no significant relationship between the components of EI the performance of hospital managers. In other words, higher levels of EI did not lead to better performance in the hospital managers. CONCLUSIONS The current study shows managers in hospitals located in Tehran, had weak performance from their subordinates’ perspectives, and EI scores of managers were not in good condition. Moreover this research shows, unlike other related studies, there is no significant relationship between performance and EI of hospital managers. The effects of factors on the hospital managers’ performances should be assessed in more holistic point of view than considering EI as a determined factor on it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Unemployment And Ill Health Correlation Health And Social Care Essay

Unemployment And Ill Health Correlation Health And Social Care Essay The study of unemployment and health are inter related, if people are unemployed then it would have an adverse effect on their health and similarly if a person unhealthy then he might loose on the best opportunities of life because he would not be able to work because of the ill-health. Thus, unemployment and health have been correlated from past studies. CONTEXTUALISATION There is a association between the unemployment level and level of increasing bad health among those people. The objective of this research paper is to explore any co-existence between unemployment and health in the country, to highlight those areas in Fife where problems lie and to add to the evidence and knowledge on this subject for those working within the unemployment and health sectors. The following sections of the research paper uses information held within the Public Health Dataset to examine the relationship between unemployment and health by looking at those areas which have the highest levels of unemployment and the highest incidence of premature mortality. The dataset contains a large amount of data from administrative sources, as well as information taken from surveys. I have been assigned as a public health official working in a local authority and I strongly feel that is a causal relationship between the level of unemployment and the level of ill health. I have started my research by finding out the national data wherein I have studied the relationship between the level of unemployment and ill-health of the people and then conducted the local survey to find out the trends of the correlation. UNEMPLOYMENT AND HEALTH A LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARY The presence of abundance literature in context of the relation between unemployment and ill health signifies the fact that unemployment and ill health co-exist. The impact of unemployment is larger in case of on the health of the people and there has been records in the past as well. From the study the results were that there is a definite relation between mental health and unemployment, and this is what will be explained in the following literature review. Similarly there is also an established link between unemployment and mortality, but this link is stronger when the research focuses on population based data, suggesting that the prevalence of unemployment can safely be used as an indicator for increased risk of mortality at a population level. METHODOLOGY Literature Search A literature search was undertaken on by our team members using the search terms: redundancy wellbeing mortality/ death morbidity heart disease cancer mental health Stroke etc. The search terms were used both as keywords and subject headings as well and condensed as appropriate to ensure that the search was as sensitive as possible. The results were restricted to English language only and to reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. For the literature review only those articles were given preferences which present a significant correlation between the unemployment and bad health of person or an individual. These are incorporated as proof in articles which are included in this research paper, so they were not specifically included here. Also those articles that gave importance to population based studies and individual records were also incorporated. Critical Appraisal/Quality of Evidence The articles that were selected for the purpose of study were to review the summary of the topic, and these did not follow a systematic review structure. There was only a single study that took into account a large group of people, but this study was also nostalgic and it again became challenging for this sections study. Only one breakdown was recovered from the search, and while this was a fine quality article, it recognizes the limitation of only being able to include articles which considered statistical information, which are not prevalent in the current literature, leading to a possible bias in the reported results. UNEMPLOYMENT The objective of the literature review was to study unemployment in terms of a varying age group that is 16 to 65 who were unwillingly out of work. The definition of unemployment varies from an individual to individual but usually the studies based on the survey data or retrospective record linkage studies define unemployment as a state wherein a person or an individual is willing to work but unreasonably is out of work because he is not getting a job and is not able get himself employed even though he possesses the required qualification for the job. In this kind of situations we relate unemployment to the mental ill health of the people. As they possess the qualifications and still they are not able to be employed therefore, this would adversely affect the health of an individual. The following section explains that how a person suffers mental illness when he is unemployed: MENTAL HEALTH Suicide and parasuicide There is a clear relation between unemployment and suicides and this have been proven by several studies and the causal link is that when people are unemployed they cannot earn and they have no source of income, thus they do not have purchasing power even for the food and shelter. This frustration kills them and internally they keep becoming weak and thus the end results into death. According to a study approximately 50% of this increase in risk of suicide could be attributable to unemployment; however some other readings suggests that there are more evidences for psychiatric illness preceding unemployment. The comparative risk of parasuicide that is an unsuccessful suicide attempts or deliberate self harm behaviour, are clearly linked to unemployment, relative risk of parasuicidal behaviour among those who had been unemployed for more than a year compared to employed persons. The same report also identified a vertical incline in virtual risk with duration of unemployment, although poor mental health in addition decreases the opportunity for re-employment, which might explain this trend. The same relation between unemployment and suicide or parasuicide, can also be studied and proved the various levels of social support, geography, gender, age and type of employment and these seem to be confounders. Also the influence of unemployment on suicide and parasuicide is arbitrated by poverty and financial anxiety and that dishonour and social segregation also have a key role in the contribution to poor psychological health. Other mental health conditions While studying for the literature review we came across several evidences which shows a strong alliance between unemployment and increased psychological and psychiatric morbidity that is depressed because of unemployment. If the people who are unemployed live in the area where the rate of unemployment is high or comparatively larger than other place, then the unemployed individuals find themselves in a state of emotional imbalance. This report also emphasizes on the levels of depression, anxiety and somatisation regressed with re-employment or formal retirement. The unemployed people start disrupting their community and social relationships, because of their inferiority of not being employed thus there are greater risk behaviours, stress and bereavement reactions were mechanisms through which unemployment may exert a detrimental effect on health. GENDER, AGE AND OTHER ISSUES This section presents a deficiency of literature on black and minority ethnic groups and that gender is under-reported, there are several studies which emphasizes on male unemployment. While studying about the male unemployment we came across the impact of unemployed spouses, and wives were seen to feel the health effects of the unemployment of their partners through an increased risk of cancer, suicide and ischemic heart disease, suggesting that this link could be related socio-economic status rather than directly to unemployment. In case of the study done separately for the two genders the results stated that unemployment level affects more of the male section than the female gender. Age issues are also considered one of the reasons for bad health specifically at the effect of unemployment in young people, where suicide (particularly amongst young men) is a crucial issue. INFERENCE TO THE LITERATURE REVIEW: There is an established relation between unemployment and ill health. The falling level of health in context of mental wellness, are significantly related to the unemployment. Also as explained above there is a related link between unemployment and mortality rate, since the people are not mentally fit when they are unemployed, the frustration ultimately leads to death. Although the data and research proved that the affects of unemployment is higher on males and not females. Females only feel depressed when their spouse are not in a condition of facing the situation. DATA FROM THE STUDY OF RELATION BETWEEN UNEMPLOYMENT AND ILL-HEALTH (NATIONAL LEVEL) In June 2009, approximately 45 million (8.3%) people in the country were unemployed, and the figures were rapidly increasing due to the severe economic recession. In the underdeveloped countries, the rate of unemployment estimated to be very high as much as 80 to 90%. Ill health is widespread amid the unemployed, and the underlying relationship may be bidirectional. Bad health may be a cause of unemployment and thus losing employment opportunities, while, vice versa, being unemployed may have an adverse effect on ones health. Several health problems such as stress symptoms, mental disorders, hypertension, and coronary heart disease Are associated with unemployment. Many socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, edification, alcohol intake, stoutness, and other adverse life-styles modify the relationship between unemployment and health, and even unemployment and mortality. As the studies suggest from the past years, continues stress of unemployment on an individuals mind can persuade prominent changes in human invulnerable responses and that these changes are primarily arbitrated. Also, high levels of inflammation seem to socialize with several diseases, and depression. These relations suggest that high levels of inflammation might be a mediator between unemployment and ill health. On the other hand, we found only two previous studies suggesting that some aspects of immune function may be altered following the loss of work. A report suggested that separate incidents of unemployment may have long-term implications for future CRP level in young males. High levels of pro inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) are indicators of inflammation. In the current study using a sample of the Finnish general population we applied this suggestion to test our hypothesis formulated on the basis of current evidence. STUDY OF RELATION BETWEEN UNEMPLOYMENT AND ILL-HEALTH (LOCAL LEVEL) When we studied the pattern of relation between the unemployment level and health level, we came across that at local levels the things are similar. This means that people because of unemployed are under hypertension and depression. They could not face the situations in the increasing inflation in prices of even the local commodities. In 2009 due to the global recession in the world the countries were adversely PROPOSED METHODOLOGY We determined the inciting status in 225 individuals below the general retirement age of 65, when study was done on a sample of the Finnish general population as a part of an ongoing follow-up. In the sample there were 93 men and 132 women. The average age was 52.6 (SD 8.2, range: 32 64) years in men and 52.0 (SD 7.6, range 32-64) years in women and the study period starts from October 2004 up to April 2006. To conduct the study approval was obtained from the local Authority of the city so that there are no issues in context of the health survey. All the procedures of the study were carried out with the proper understanding of all the participants, who gave written informed permission before entering into the study. The participants completed a standardized questionnaire that screened socio demographic variables like sex, age, marital status, length of education. In the study they were also asked how often they consumed alcohol over the past twelve months. Which was classified as less OR more than twice a week, whether they were current daily smokers or not? And whether if they had physical diseases, got diagnosed by a doctor. The participants were also asked whether if they had any economic hardship during the previous twelve months? How is there current financial situation? (Good, fairly good = good financial situation, fairly poor, poor = economic hardship). To indicate the level of depressive symptoms the questionnaire also included the 21-item Beck Depression Inventory. In addition, the employment status was inquired by the participants and those who reported being unemployed (8.4% of the study sample) were compared with the others in final analyses. The frequency of unemployment was at the same level as the total unemployment rate in Finland in the sample during the study period of two years (7.7% in December 2004 and 7.6% in December 2005). 131 (63.6%) were at work, 14 (6.8%) on sick leave, 52 (25.2%) had retired, 3 (1.5%) were students and 6 (2.9%) were voluntarily not at work of the other studied participants. From all of studied participants, 25 (11.1%) had been unemployed in 1998, 31 (13.8%) in 1999 and 28 (12.4%) in 2001. The height and the body weight were also measured in light clothing without shoes, and the body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) was estimated. The laboratory measurements were carried out in the medical laboratory of Kuopio University Hospital. After having been instructed to fast for the previous 12 hours, the participants came for venous blood sampling at 8 am. The measurement of serum, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was carried out according to a routine practice using a Kinetic Immunoturbidmetric Method and analyzed using an IMMAGE Immunochemistry System. The venous blood samples were stored at -80 °C until run, for the cytokine analyses. With Bio-Plex Human Cytokine Panel 1, the levels of IL-6 (pg/mL) were analyzed by multiplexing utilizing a Bio-Plex instrument based on Luminex xMAP technology. The samples were centrifuged for 15 min at 3000 rpm, before analyses and diluted 1:2 in an appropriate sample matrix. The intricacy and inters variations for the IL-6 analysis were 3.7-17.2% and 4.6-13.8% respectively. We used a pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) as indicators of low-grade inflammation as originally suggested by Yaffe et al. and later by Capuron et al. In this study, levels above the median for both IL-6 (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 0.97 pg/mL) and hs-CRP (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 1.49 mg/L) indicated an elevated inflammatory status (n = 72). In univariate analyses we used the à Ã¢â‚¬ ¡2 test for categorical variables, Students t-test for normally distributed continuous variables and Mann-Whitney U-test for continuous variables with a skewed distribution. For IL-6 and hs-CRP linear regression models were tested separately. Inflammatory markers were also log-transformed for these analyses. Finally, several other forced multivariate logistic regression models were calculated just to test whether there were any independent associations between being and having been unemployed, and having a high inflammatory status. These models were socio demographically adjusted for sex, age, marital status, smoking, education, alcohol consumption, economic hardship, some common somatic diseases, the Beck Depression Inventory score, and the body mass index (BMI). PILOT OF METHOD The pilot of method means using various local methodologies to conduct the survey of the undergoing project. Using algorithm such as a greedy construction heuristic as a building block or application process, the pilot method is a meta-heuristic with the primary idea of performing repetition using the application process as a look ahead mechanism. It computes for every possible choice (or move) a so-called pilot solution, recording the best results in order to extend at the end of the iteration a so-called master solution with the corresponding move. One may apply this strategy by successively performing, e.g., a cheapest insertion heuristic for all possible local choices. The following is the questionnaire designed for the local people in order to make a survey to know what the condition is: THE LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY: SURVEY FOR FINDING THE IMPACT OF UNEMPLOYMENT ON THE HEALTH OF PEOPLE Are the facilities provided to unemployed people? Yes No Cant say anything Are you aware of the fact that unemployment is correlated to ill health of people? Yes No Do you read news regarding the suicides of people who are not employed? Very much aware Updated with the current knowledge No idea about the issue Have government took any steps regarding the matter? Yes No Cant say anything Are the unemployed covered under any act for providing them living? Yes there are acts Cant say anything in this matter Suicide cases and ill health is more in which age group? 16-25 30-40 45-55 All of the above Mental and ill health are more common in which gender? Males Females Both of the above

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction Plan We must produce a piece of coursework investigating the rates of reaction, and the effect different changes have on them. The rate of reaction is the rate of loss of a reactant or the rate of formation of a product during a chemical reaction. There are five factors which affect the rate of a reaction, according to the collision theory of reacting particles: temperature, concentration (of solution), pressure (in gases), surface are (of solid reactants), and catalysts. I will investigate the effect temperature has on a reaction. Aim To investigate how a change in temperature effects the rate of a chemical reaction. The reaction that will be used is: Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric Acid --> Na2S2O3(aq)+ 2HCl(aq) Sodium Chloride + Water + Sulphur Dioxide + 2NaCl (aq)+ H2O(l)+ SO2 (g)+ Sulphur-S (s) Prediction I predict that as the temperature is increased the rate of reaction will increase. This means that the graph drawn up in my analysis will have positive correlation, and will probably be curved as the increase in rate of reaction will not be exactly the same as the temperature is increased. This can be justified by relating to the collision theory. When the temperature is increased the particles will have more energy and thus move faster. Therefore they will collide more often and with more energy. Particles with more energy are more likely to overcome the activation energy barrier to reaction and thus react successfully. If solutions of reacting particles are made more concentrated there are more particles per unit volume. Collisions between reacting particles are therefore more likely to occur. All this can be understood better with full understanding of the collision theory itself: For a reaction to occur particles have to collide with each other. Only a small percent result in a reaction. This is due to the energy barrier to overcome. Only particles with enough energy to overcome the barrier will react after colliding. The minimum energy that a particle must have to overcome the barrier is called the activation energy. The size of this activation energy is different for different reactions. If the frequency of collisions is increased the rate of reaction will increase. However the percent of successful collisions remains the same. An increase in the frequency of collisions can be achieved by increasing the temperature, concentration, pressure, and surface area. Also I predict that if the temperature is doubled, then the time taken for would be more than half because not only would the particles be moving faster to create more collisions, but they would also have more energy so there would be more successful collisions

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time

Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies We have all heard the saying, â€Å"it’s a man’s world†. It appears that our world is governed according to a man’s perspective and thoughts as to how the world should be run, and women gracefully bow down to this perspective and internalize those male supremacist notions of patriarchal dominance. Even with this seemingly innate belief that men have, it is still apparent at times that there is another view that is often glossed over and ignored in the pursuit of extreme power and superiority. In Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of Butterflies, we are able to dissect society through the eyes of women who have had to endure life in these societies. These women offer a fresh perspective, and they both challenge and assert the patriarchal view that is most often presented in discussion about civil unrest. In the Time of Butterflies gives us a view of women who fought their own battle during unrest within their country. In fact, these women become famous because of what they do, and they create their own notoriety aside from being linked with a man. Farming of Bones gives us a view of a woman who has to endure hardship and trials within her society and still manages to survive. She survives, although her survival is contingent upon illusion, without a male by her side to support her or to dictate her life. Through these two novels, we are able to ascertain the feelings of the women in the midst of the struggles. Throughout the novel, we see the influence that Trujillo has over the women’s actions for the simple fact that he is in charge. There is a domination that men have that seeps ... ...dered the backbone of society. However, both views are tainted by remnants of patriarchy. It does not appear that these two authors are able to present women without introducing the male factor of society. While both texts present strong views that negotiate patriarchal nationalism and both texts consider the view of patriarchal society, it is apparent that Danticat’s novel gives a better view of the struggles from the true view of a woman. Alvarez’s novel would appear to do so because it is in diary form coming from the direct mouths of women, but these women’s stories are so tinged with the decisions that men have made over their lives that it appears that they have internalized patriarchal domination. Though Amabelle’s story includes patriarchal tendencies, her story is more about her and her beliefs about the society that she is forced to live in.